Frequently Asked Questions
What does BIPOC stand for?
BIPOC stands for Bla(c)k, Indigenous, People of Colour. This definition includes but is not strictly limited to mixed-race or bi-racial people and people who are white-passing or have a proximity to whiteness (i.e. are perceived to be white due to skin colour and other identifying features).
Who can be a member of BIPOC Department?
What does an autonomous event mean?
Where is BIPOC Base?
How do I get access to BIPOC Base?
What does BIPOC stand for?
BIPOC stands for Bla(c)k, Indigenous, People of Colour. This definition includes but is not strictly limited to mixed-race or bi-racial people and people who are white-passing or have a proximity to whiteness (i.e. are perceived to be white due to skin colour and other identifying features).
Who can be a member of BIPOC Department?
What does an autonomous event mean?
Where is BIPOC Base?
How do I get access to BIPOC Base?
What does BIPOC stand for?
BIPOC stands for Bla(c)k, Indigenous, People of Colour. This definition includes but is not strictly limited to mixed-race or bi-racial people and people who are white-passing or have a proximity to whiteness (i.e. are perceived to be white due to skin colour and other identifying features).
Who can be a member of BIPOC Department?
What does an autonomous event mean?
Where is BIPOC Base?
How do I get access to BIPOC Base?
Have further questions?
Whether you need more information or have specific inquiries about BIPOC Base, click 'Contact Us' and we’ll assist you promptly.