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Hi!! I'm Maria (she/her) and I'm in my second year of a double in Development studies and Political Science. If you see me around I'm probably vegetating in the sun with my pals and asking you for your birthdate and time. This year, I'm looking forward to creating safe spaces outside the college bubble and meeting you all!!
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Hi 👋, How can we help you today?
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Hi!! I'm Maria (she/her) and I'm in my second year of a double in Development studies and Political Science. If you see me around I'm probably vegetating in the sun with my pals and asking you for your birthdate and time. This year, I'm looking forward to creating safe spaces outside the college bubble and meeting you all!!
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Hi!! I'm Maria (she/her) and I'm in my second year of a double in Development studies and Political Science. If you see me around I'm probably vegetating in the sun with my pals and asking you for your birthdate and time. This year, I'm looking forward to creating safe spaces outside the college bubble and meeting you all!!
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Hi 👋, How can we help you today?
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