Last Updated: May 15, 2024
Section 1: Acknowledgement of Country
The ANU BIPOC Department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land we operate on, the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples. We pay our respects to First Nations Elders, past, present and emerging. We acknowledge that the land we live and operate on is stolen and sovereignty was never ceded. We welcome all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to our Collective and we commit to standing with our First Nations peoples, and we commit to supporting and working in partnership with the ANU Indigenous Department. We acknowledge Constitutions are a colonial structure - we recognise the rich and deep history of leadership and community on these lands, and commit to centering First Nations voices and experiences in all of our advocacy and community building
Section 2 : General
This Constitution shall come into effect immediately after it is passed at the First Collective Meeting of the academic year, at which time the prior Constitution is repealed.
The name of the Association is ‘ANUSA Bla(c)k, Indigenous and People of Colour Department’.
Section 3: Interpretation
Except where the contrary intention appears, in this Constitution:
“Academic day” means a 24-hour period during any day or days that do not fall on a weekend or public holiday, and that fall during a teaching period;
“Academic week” means any week of the calendar year that includes at least 1 weekday that falls during a teaching period of the Colleges;
“Academic year” means the period between the first day of the first teaching period of the Colleges and the last day of the last teaching period of the Colleges in a calendar year;
“ANU” means the Australian National University;
“ANUSA” means the Australian National University Students’ Association Inc.;
“Student” means an student enrolled in a unit or program of study for a Bachelor’s Degree or any other undergraduate or postgraduate award of the Australian National University;
Bla(c)k, Indigenous and People of Colour refers to all students who self-identify as a member of one or more of these groups. This definition includes, but it is not strictly limited to: mixed-race or multi-racial people, people who are white-passing (i.e. are perceived to be white due to skin colour and other identifying features), and are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander;
“Collective” means those members of the BIPOC Department who perform the day-to-day activities of the Department, ranging (but not exhaustively) from attending regular meetings, managing the budget to implementing campaigns;
“Department” means the ANUSA BIPOC Department;
“Active Member” means those members of the BIPOC Department who have attended at least three meetings of the BIPOC Collective within the respective academic year;
“Floating chair” permits any member of the BIPOC Collective preceding it;
“Quorum” means no less than eight members of the BIPOC Department;
“Emergency” means an unforeseen situation merited by accident, sickness, or personal reasons;
“Mailing list” means the list of email contacts of subscribed members of the Collective;
“Meeting” means any constitutionally required gathering, the regulations of which are laid out within the ANUSA Constitution.
‘Simple majority’ is defined as the highest number of votes cast for any one candidate, issue, or item exceeding the second-highest number.
Whoever presides at a meeting of the Association may interpret this Constitution and the Regulations made under it for the purposes of the meeting, and the Secretary may interpret them at any other time.
A motion of dissent from an interpretation of this Constitution may be carried only by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a meeting of the Collective, or by a simple majority of the Executive at any other time.
If there are any irregularities or uncertainties within this Constitution, refer to the ANUSA Constitution.
Section 4: Objectives and Aims
The ANUSA BIPOC Department aims to be a space for BIPOC identifying people to unite and overcome adversity in the context of living in a country where whiteness is taken as the norm – where it is the face of authority, of academia, of professionalism, and of beauty.
The objects of the ANUSA BIPOC Department are:
To establish a safe, inclusive and autonomous space for members to share experiences of racism and intersecting issues, and to get peer support;
To support and defend members who face exclusion, discrimination and hatred in classrooms, administration, employment and other campus or student organisations;
To provide members with an active collective body by which they are empowered and supported to address racism and intersecting issues both on and off campus;
To educate the wider university body through discourse and campaigns which highlight systematic oppression and racism which still exists on our campus;
To form networks and collaborate with like-minded university bodies and student collectives to effectively and sustainably work towards the eradication of racism and intersecting issues.
Section 5 : Membership
All members of ANUSA and PARSA who self-identify as Bla(c)k, Indigenous or as People of Colour (as defined by Section 3(1)(g)) are members of the Department.
All members shall have voting rights at all meetings of the BIPOC Collective.
All voters must be present at the meeting, either in person or through online video.
There is no fee for membership for the Department.
Section 6 : Meetings
The Officer must communicate with the Facebook group once every two weeks during the academic year.
The Executive of the Department must meet once a week during the academic year, either:
Face to face;
Meetings of the Collective will be held a minimum of every two weeks of the academic year, excluding teaching breaks
Meetings of the Collective are open to all members as defined by Section 5
Meeting times will be decided at the first meeting of the Collective of the academic year and may be revised at the first meeting of Semester Two of the academic year.
Notice of all Collective meetings must be given, consisting of:
Posting in the Facebook group no later than 24 hours before the date of the meeting. The notice must include the agenda of the meeting and any motion to be made; and
Advertising the meeting through appropriate ANUSA channels.
The first Collective meeting must be chaired by the Officer or a Deputy where possible. At the end of the meeting, the Officer will invite Collective members to chair subsequent meetings of the Collective under a floating chair system.
If more than one member volunteers, a simple majority will vote to elect the next chair of the meeting.
A volunteer chair of a Collective meeting cannot chair two consecutive Collective meetings.
If no one volunteers, the Officer or Deputy will chair the following meeting.
All Collective meetings must have minutes, and attendance including names and university ID must be recorded. Records of attendance are to be confidential and are to be released at the discretion of both the Officer and Deputy/Deputies.
All official minutes taken from Collective meetings must be made available to a Department member within two academic days upon written request to the Officer or Deputy.
The Collective will hold an Annual General Meeting every year in the second semester of the academic year.
A member of the Department may call a Collective meeting at any time with the permission of the Officer.
An unscheduled meeting is not subject to the notice requirements in Section 6(5), however the mailing list must be notified.
If the Officer refuses to call an unscheduled meeting, this may be overridden by a petition of no less than ten members of the Department and the meeting must be called within 48 hours of the petition being submitted to a Deputy.
In order to authorise any motion there must be no less than ten members present at a Collective meeting. If quorum is achieved, all general motions, other than those provided elsewhere in this Constitution, must pass by a simple majority.
If quorum is not achieved within 10 minutes of the meeting, the meeting may continue for administrative and communication purposes – that is, no substantive decisions, as defined by Section 6(12), may be reached.
If quorum is lost, it may be regained within 10 minutes.
If quorum is not regained, the meeting may continue for administrative and communication purposes – that is, no substantive decisions, as defined by Section 6(12), may be reached.
Any motion that requires a substantive vote – one that affects the interests and objectives of the department, including but not limited to financials and its existence – by the Officer at an ANUSA meeting (or, where appropriate, the Deputy) will be voted on by the Collective prior to the relevant ANUSA meeting. The vote in the Collective meeting will bind the Officer to vote in the manner the Collective has decided.
Section 7 : Executive
The BIPOC Department’s executive will consist of:
The BIPOC Officer,
At least one Deputy Officer (Social)
At least one Deputy Officer (Advocacy)
Publicity Officer
First Year Representative
BASC Representative
Post-Graduate Representative
The Deputies, Secretary, Publicity Officer, First Year Representative, Treasurer, BASC Representative and Post-Graduate Representative must be elected by optional preferential voting.
Each Deputy must appoint at least two collective members to form a portfolio committee for the duration of the year. The Executive may appoint more members throughout the year as required and can include, but is not limited to, first year representatives and post-graduate students.
Section 8: The BIPOC Officer
The BIPOC Officer is elected in the ANUSA elections in accordance with the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations.
The Collective will endorse candidate(s) for the position of ANUSA BIPOC Officer for each ANUSA election. This endorsement will be based on previous involvement in the Collective, experience and perceived suitability for the role as judged by a simple majority vote in the meeting prior to the filling deadline.
Only members who have attended three meetings prior to the endorsement process are eligible to vote in the endorsement process.
The BIPOC Department opts out of the ANUSA general election and elects to do an internal departmental election for the position of Officer of the Department. This notice is given on a standing basis until withdrawn by a motion of the collective. Candidates must be active members of the department. The BIPOC Department Executive will set the guidelines for the elections two weeks prior to the Officer election, and will operate as preferential voting. In the case of a single candidate, the collective will vote to accept the nomination as a simple majority.
The powers and responsibilities of the Officer are as follows:
The Officer is an advocate for all members of the Department.
The Officer is responsible for seeking out voices of minority groups so that they are represented within the Department.
The officer must support the Deputies and the department to facilitate events and campaigns within the academic year.
The Officer will ensure details relevant to the Department are up to date on the ANUSA Website.
The Officer will check the Department’s email inbox at least twice a week during the Academic Year.
The Officer must be physically available at ANU to all members through a weekly one-hour time slot during the academic year to be advertised at the beginning of the academic year through both the ANUSA website, newsletter sent to the mailing list, and a separate online presence of the Department.
This time may be revised at the beginning of Semester Two.
If this time slot cannot be adhered to based on an emergency, notice must be given through the Collective mailing list and a Deputy, where available, may stand in their place.
The Officer must attain the following training before O-week of their term:
Mental Health First Aid
Disclosure training (module)
This training should be financially supported by ANUSA. If the Officer is unable to advocate for this training to be paid for by ANUSA, it should be budgeted into the Department Funding.
The Officer must attend all ANUSA meetings required of them in accordance with the ANUSA Constitution. The Officer must consult with the Collective before each meeting on motions that directly concern the Collective, and must represent the will of members as expressed in a simple majority vote. All absences must adhere to the requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations. The Officer may assign a proxy in accordance with the ANUSA Constitution.
Failure by the Officer to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
If the Officer has been removed or has resigned under the conditions outlined in the ANUSA Constitution, or the position is vacant, a temporary replacement must be voted in at the upcoming meeting of the Collective by the voting procedure in Section 6(11) and Section 7(2).
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next meeting.
A removed Officer reserves the right to appeal to the Disputes Committee, in accordance with the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations. If the Officer elects to do this, they must appeal their removal within seven days of being removed from office.
If no appeal to the Disputes Committee is made by the removed Officer within seven days, or an appeal to the Disputes Committee is unsuccessful, the temporary replacement formally replaces the Officer and is subject to all the relevant duties of the position.
If an appeal to the Disputes Committee is successful by the removed Officer, the temporary replacement is automatically removed and the removed Officer is reinstated and is subject to all the relevant duties of the position.
Section 9: Deputy Officer Advocacy
At least one Deputy, with provision for a second Deputy, is to be elected at the first collective meeting after the election of the officer, following a required self-nomination.
Nominations for the first Deputy open the day after the meeting where the officer is elected and close five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will not be accepted after they are closed, except:
In cases of emergency as defined by Section 2, which will be decided by a simple majority vote at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
If a motion to allow the nomination is passed by a two-thirds majority at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will be accepted by the Officer.
If there is only one nominee, there will be a vote to accept the nomination and nominations for a second Deputy will be reopened after a simple majority vote.
The position of a second Deputy may be opened by a simple majority vote at the first Collective meeting of the year, however if this vote fails, the position can be opened by a simple majority vote at the first Collective meeting of the second semester.
Elections will be carried out sequentially with all nominees who are not elected in the first round of elections for Deputy eligible for the second round of elections for Deputy.
The Deputy serves for the duration of the academic year.
The powers and responsibilities of the Deputy Advocacy are as follows:
Organising a minimum of 2 campaigns in the academic year.
Forming and maintaining relationships with other Departments, Societies and Clubs to achieve object Section 4(2)(d).
Work to ensure that objects Section 4(2)(d) and (e) are met.
Act as liaison between executive and collective members wishing to run activities/events/campaigns.
Maintaining an active social media presence for the Department.
Give access to those who want to join the online Facebook collective group and act as moderator of the group when needed.
Managing the Advocacy Committee (in accordance with Section 7 (3)) to execute duties.
The Deputy may stand in the place of the Officer as the chair of the Collective meetings when the officer is unable to do so, as per Section 8(2).
Failure by the Deputy to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
A motion to remove a Deputy will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
If a Deputy BIPOC Officer has resigned or is removed, nominations will be opened at that meeting and remain open until five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting. If a ballot is required it will be taken at that meeting in compliance with Section 6(11) and Section 7(2). The newly appointed Deputy is subject to all relevant duties of the position.
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next practical opportunity to hold a meeting.
Section 10: Deputy Officer Social
At least one Deputy, with provision for a second Deputy, is to be elected at the first collective meeting after the election of the officer, following a required self-nomination.
Nominations for the first Deputy open the day after the meeting where the officer is elected and close five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will not be accepted after they are closed, except:
In cases of emergency as defined by Section 1, which will be decided by a simple majority vote at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
If a motion to allow the nomination is passed by a two-thirds majority at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will be accepted by the Officer.
If there is only one nominee, there will be a vote to accept the nomination and nominations for a second Deputy will be reopened after a simple majority vote.
The position of a second Deputy may be opened by a simple majority vote at the first Collective meeting of the year, however if this vote fails, the position can be opened by a simple majority vote at the first Collective meeting of the second semester.
Elections will be carried out sequentially with all nominees who are not elected in the first round of elections for Deputy eligible for the second round of elections for Deputy.
The Deputy serves for the duration of the academic year.
The powers and responsibilities of the Deputy Social are as follows:
Organising O-week and Bushweek events
Creating Department materials to give/sell to students (including, but not limited to, merchandise)
Organising BIPOC Revue
Organising one major social event for students
Managing the Social Committee (in accordance with Section 7(3)) to execute duties.
Give access to those who want to join the online Facebook collective group and act as moderator of the group when needed.
The Deputy may stand in the place of the Officer as the chair of the Collective meetings when the officer is unable to do so, as per Section 8(2).
Failure by the Deputy to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
A motion to remove a Deputy will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
If a Deputy BIPOC Officer has resigned or is removed, nominations will be opened at that meeting and remain open until five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting. If a ballot is required it will be taken at that meeting in compliance with Section 6(11) and Section 7(2). The newly appointed Deputy is subject to all relevant duties of the position.
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next practical opportunity to hold a meeting.
Section 11: Secretary
A Secretary is to be elected in each academic year, at the first collective meeting after the election of the officer, following a required self-nomination.
Nominations for the Secretary open the day after the meeting where the officer is elected and close five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will not be accepted after they are close, except:
In cases of emergency as defined by Section 2, which will be decided by a simple majority vote at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
If a motion to allow the nomination is passed by a two-thirds majority at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will be accepted by the Officer.
If there is only one nominee, there will be a vote to accept the nomination.
The Secretary serves for the duration of the academic year.
The powers and responsibilities of the Secretary are as follows:
Deciding meeting times and places for the Collective and the Executive.
Providing notice of all Collective meetings in accordance with Section 6(4)5.
Taking attendance and minutes at each meeting in accordance with Section 6(6)7.
Make official minutes from Collective and Executive meetings available to Department members in accordance with Section 6(7)8.
Keep records of all department, events and campaigns. Records include promotional material and any written documentation shared between the executive and with the collective.
Failure by the Secretary to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
A motion to remove a Secretary will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
If the Secretary has resigned or is removed, nominations will be opened at that meeting and remain open until five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting. If a ballot is required it will be taken at that meeting in compliance with Section 6(10) and Section 7(2). The newly appointed Secretary subject to all relevant duties of the position.
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next practical opportunity to hold a meeting.
Section 12: Publicity Officer
A Publicity Officer is to be elected in each academic year, at the first collective meeting after the election of the officer, following a required self-nomination.
Nominations for the Publicity Officer open the day after the meeting where the officer is elected and close five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will not be accepted after they are close, except:
In cases of emergency as defined by Section 2, which will be decided by a simple majority vote at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
If a motion to allow the nomination is passed by a two-thirds majority at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will be accepted by the Officer.
If there is only one nominee, there will be a vote to accept the nomination.
The Publicity Officer serves for the duration of the academic year.
The powers and responsibilities of the Publicity Officer are as follows:
Creating the graphics for social media posts on Department accounts
This includes, but is not limited to:
Instagram feed posts
Instagram story posts
Facebook event banners
Facebook posts
Maintaining the social media presence of the Department
This includes, but is not limited, to the following channels:
‘Social media presence’ involves advertising Department events and campaigns, as well as posting live from events
Maintaining a mailing list and newsletter
Manage ticketing for events
Failure by the Publicity Officer to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
A motion to remove a Publicity Officer will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
If the Publicity Officer has resigned or is removed, nominations will be opened at that meeting and remain open until five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting. If a ballot is required it will be taken at that meeting in compliance with Section 6(11) and Section 7(2). The newly appointed Publicity Officer is subject to all relevant duties of the position.
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next practical opportunity to hold a meeting.
Section 13: First Year Representative
A First Year Representative is to be elected in each academic year, at the fourth collective meeting of the academic year, following a required self-nomination.
Nominations for the First Year Representative open the day after the third collective meeting of the academic year and close five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will not be accepted after they are closed, except:
In cases of emergency as defined by Section 2, which will be decided by a simple majority vote at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will be accepted by the Officer.
If there is only one nominee, there will be a vote to accept the nomination.
The First Year Representative serves for the duration of the academic year.
The powers and responsibilities of the First Year Representative are as follows
The First Year Representative aims to connect first year students with the Department through promoting events through engaging with relevant channels such as:
Contacting student representatives at residential halls
Presence in first year channels
The First Year Representative is expected to run one event per semester with the aim of connecting first year students with the Department
Failure by the First Year Representative to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
A motion to remove a First Year Representative will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
If the First Year Representative has resigned or is removed, nominations will be opened at that meeting and remain open till five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting. If a ballot is required it will be taken at that meeting in compliance with Section 6(11) and Section 7(2). The newly appointed First Year Representative is subject to all relevant duties of the position.
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next practical opportunity to hold a meeting.
Section 14: Treasurer
A treasurer is to be elected in each academic year, at the first collective meeting after the election of the officer, following a required self-nomination.
Nominations for the Treasurer open the day after the meeting where the officer is elected and close five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will not be accepted after they are closed, except:
In cases of emergency as defined by Section 2, which will be decided by a simple majority vote at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
If a motion to allow the nomination is passed by a two-thirds majority at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will be accepted by the Officer.
If there is only one nominee, there will be a vote to accept the nomination.
The Treasurer serves for the duration of the academic year.
The powers and responsibilities of the Treasurer are as follows
The Treasurer is accountable for maintaining the finances of the Department and is accountable for all expenditure of the Department, as per the ANUSA financial regulations.
The Treasurer is accountable for overlooking the reimbursement process and ensuring procedure is followed as per Section 16(8).
Failure by the Treasurer to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
A motion to remove a Treasurer will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
If the Treasurer has resigned or is removed, nominations will be opened at that meeting and remain open till five (5) minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting. If a ballot is required it will be taken at that meeting in compliance with Section 6(11) and Section 7(2). The newly appointed Treasurer is subject to all relevant duties of the position.
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next practical opportunity to hold a meeting.
Section 15: BASC Representative
A BASC Representative is to be elected in each academic year, at the first collective meeting after the election of the officer, following a required self-nomination.
Nominations for the BASC Representative open the day after the meeting where the officer is elected and close five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will not be accepted after they are closed, except:
In cases of emergency as defined by Section 2, which will be decided by a simple majority vote at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will be accepted by the Officer.
If there is only one nominee, there will be a vote to accept the nomination.
The BASC Representative serves for the duration of the academic year.
The BASC Representative position is to be held by a Black/African ANU student.
The term ‘Black/African’ extends to mixed race students and students identifying as Black/African who are perceived to be white due to skin colour and other identifying features.
The powers and responsibilities of the BASC Representative are as follows:
The BASC Representative leads the Black/African Students’ Collective ('BASC'). BASC is a sub-group of the Department which aims to promote the engagement of ANU’s Black/African students with the Department.
The BASC Representative is expected to run at least one event per semester with the aim of connecting Black/African students with the Department.
Failure by the BASC Representative to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
A motion to remove a BASC Representative will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
If the BASC Representative has resigned or is removed, nominations will be opened at that meeting and remain open till five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting. If a ballot is required it will be taken at that meeting in compliance with Section 6(11) and Section 7(2). The newly appointed BASC Representative is subject to all relevant duties of the position.
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next practical opportunity to hold a meeting.
Section 16 Post-Graduate Representative
A Post-Graduate Representative is to be elected in each academic year, at the first collective meeting after the election of the officer, following a required self-nomination.
Nominations for the Post-Graduate Representative open the day after the meeting where the officer is elected and close five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will not be accepted after they are closed, except:
In cases of emergency as defined by Section 2, which will be decided by a simple majority vote at the second Collective meeting of the academic year.
Nominations will be accepted by the Officer.
If there is only one nominee, there will be a vote to accept the nomination.
The Post-Graduate Representative serves for the duration of the academic year.
The powers and responsibilities of the Post-Graduate Representative are as follows:
The Post-Graduate Representative aims to connect post-graduate students with the Department through promoting events through engaging with relevant channels such as:
Contacting student representatives at residential halls
Presence in post-graduate channels
The Post-Graduate Representative is expected to run one event per semester with the aim of connecting post-graduate students with the Department.
Failure by the Post-Graduate Representative to meet attendance requirements in the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations for ANUSA meetings or otherwise acted contrary to the terms of the ANUSA Constitution and Regulations may result in their removal.
A motion to remove a Post-Graduate Representative will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of the members present and voting.
If the Post-Graduate Representative has resigned or is removed, nominations will be opened at that meeting and remain open till five minutes after the start of the next Collective meeting. If a ballot is required it will be taken at that meeting in compliance with Section 6(11) and Section 7(2). The newly appointed Post-Graduate Representative is subject to all relevant duties of the position.
If quorum is not achieved at the meeting, a temporary replacement will be elected by a simple majority of those present.
The temporary replacement is subject to all the relevant duties of the position and holds office until the next practical opportunity to hold a meeting.
Section 17: Censure Motions
The Collective may remove the Officer by a three quarters majority vote of present and voting members. Notice of this motion must be sent by the Officer to the ANUSA President and Vice President.
The Collective may remove other members of the executive by a three quarters majority vote of present and voting members. Notice of this motion must be sent to the Officer by the mover no less than seven working days in advance.
Section 18: Finance
Expenditure of Department funds is governed by the Finance Regulations as per ANUSA.
The provisional budget of the Department must be presented by the Treasurer to the first General meeting held in the first teaching period of the academic year.
The provisional budget for the next year of the Department must be presented by the Treasurer to a General meeting held in the last regular teaching period of the academic year.
The budget or provisional Budget can be amended for a reallocation of under $1,000 if it is carried by a simple majority of the members present and voting at an Executive meeting.
The budget or provisional Budget can be amended for a reallocation of over $1,000 if it is carried by a simple majority of the member present and voting at a Collective meeting.
The account trustees shall be the Officer, a Treasurer, and the second Deputy. If there isn’t a second Deputy, the third trustee shall be one ordinary member of the Collective.
Change of the trustees of the bank accounts must have a two thirds majority of a meeting subject to Section 6.
When there is a change of trustees all current trustees must make time to change over title on the bank account.
Reimbursements will only be issued once an ANUSA Reimbursement form has been completed and is signed off by the Treasurer and an Executive member.
Section 19: Honoraria and Stipend
In the event that ANUSA allocates money in its annual budget for the purposes of honoraria, the Officer and Deputy/Deputies are to bring a courtesy motion to a standard meeting notifying the Collective of the distribution of stipend for the Officer and honoraria between the Executive.
The decision as to the allocation of the stipend is to be made at the first executive meeting before week 1 semester 1.
This decision is to be voted on at the first collective meeting of semester. 1.
Honoraria may be distributed either:
twice a year, at the end of each semester; or
once a year, at the end of semester 2.
If honoraria is to be distributed twice a year, at the end of each semester, then:
The decision as to the allocation of honoraria is to be made at the second last executive meeting of each semester; and
This decision is to be voted on at the final collective meeting of each semester.
If honoraria is to be distributed once a year, at the end of semester 2, then:
The decision as to the allocation of honoraria is to be made at the second last executive meeting of semester 2; and
This decision is to be voted on at the final collective meeting of semester 2.
Section 20: Abolishing the Department
The Collective cannot be abolished except by a unanimous vote of all present and voting at a meeting of the BIPOC Collective in accordance with the notice requirements in Section 6(10). Additionally, a separate email must be sent to the mailing list exclusively notifying of the motion.
The decision by the collective to abolish the Department must be taken to an ANUSA OGM and will require a three quarters majority of those present and voting to be effective.
Section 21: Amendments to the Constitution
No amendment to the Department Constitution will be validly passed unless the Officer is given seven days’ notice in writing of the motion.
Any amendments to the BIPOC Department Constitution will pass and be effective immediately if;
There is quorum; and
It is carried by two thirds of members present and voting.
No successful amendments will apply retrospectively.