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Mar 22, 2023

Collective Meeting 5

Taken By: Dorcas Bugeme

Meeting Details

  • Date: 22/03/2023

  • Opened: 5:06 PM

  • Closed: 5:36 PM

  • Attendance: Listed at the end of the document, apologies not specified

Acknowledgement of Country

The ANU BIPOC Department acknowledges the traditional owners of the land, the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples, and pays respects to Elders past, present, and emerging. Emphasis on sovereignty never being ceded.

Officer Report

  1. Safe Space

    • Timeline update: Needed completion by Bush Week as a deadline.

    • Plan to use a storage unit instead of a shower.

    • Budget is four times the initial estimate.

  2. Committee Meetings

    • Zine and documentary meetings were held over the weekend.

    • Many great ideas about the form and style for each event.

    • Members encouraged to reach out if they’d like to be involved.

  3. Task Force

    • Intense meeting; ANU is focusing on data collection as a response.

    • Dean of Science is identified as an ally.

    • Discussion on:

      • What a Disclosure Tool should look like, encapsulating the needs of all.

      • Increasing the number of BIPOC counsellors on campus, with a solution to have interstate practitioners.

      • Implementing anti-racism training for staff and a Wattle course for students.

  4. Party

    • Awaiting response from Sideways to pick a date and start planning.

  5. Fundraiser

    • Waiting on a response from ANUSA Finance.

Secretary Report

  1. Infographics

    • Infographics on how to add a digital calendar will be published by Week 7.

    • Tentative dates may also be included in the calendar.

Treasurer Report

  • No updates provided.

Social Officer Report

  1. Dance Collab

    • Scheduled for Friday from 4:45 PM to 6:45 PM, featuring KPOP and Bollywood funk.

  2. QueerxCoffee

    • Scheduled for next Friday.

  3. Party

    • Potential name: Kaleidoscope.

    • Theme: Clash of personality and interests expressed in fashion.

  4. Study Session

    • Scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday from 5 PM to 7 PM, with pizza and snacks provided.

  5. Showcase

    • Now a collaboration with the Advocacy Officer.

    • Pushed to Week 10.

    • Collaboration with ISD and possibly Indigenous students, aiming for a larger event.

  6. Ball

    • Calling for feedback on the ball, with members encouraged to reach out to Tisha and the department.

    • Discussion on the desired vibe for the event.

Advocacy Officer Report

  1. BIPOC Talks

    • Internal biweekly sessions scheduled for Weeks 7, 9, and 12.

    • Selina will conduct the first session focusing on being BIPOC.

    • Sessions will have running themes such as Love, Home, etc.

    • Members encouraged to help out with the sessions.

  2. Zine, Documentary, and Showcase

    • These projects have been discussed by other exec members during the meeting.

  3. Pre-Eid Events

    • Collaboration with the Women's Department and ISD.

    • Potential Henna Night.

Other Business

  • General positive affirmation: "Tea and Slay!"


  • [Attendance details not provided]

Collective Meeting 5 - Week 5 - Semester 1 - 2023
Collective Meeting 5 - Week 5 - Semester 1 - 2023
Collective Meeting 5 - Week 5 - Semester 1 - 2023

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